Islamic and Sharia Finance

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Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Another Way To Donate A Car

Other way than giving our car directly for charity donation, there is another way our car and vehicle can help a donation furthermore boost our tax breaks: We can offer the vehicle yourself and give the returns.
"If the qualified organization is going to sell the vehicle in order to receive cash, then it would make sense for an individual to sell the vehicle to a private party to maximize the amount of cash proceeds," Midwood says.

"Privately selling the vehicle might generate larger cash proceeds than if the organization were to sell the vehicle, she says. "The donor would then make a cash contribution to the organization."
Selling any car can be a hassle and selling one that's on its last legs poses challenges of its own. How we proceed depends on your goal. Are we focused on getting rid of a junker with minimum effort and we'd look at the tax deduction as a nice bonus? Then donating our car makes good sense.
On the off chance that we will likely amplify our expense conclusion, deliberately audit the progressions here and afterward settle on our choice. Whatever we choose to do, separating with our old auto could help a not-for-profit do its central goal. What's more, it likewise may make room in our carport for another auto.

2 komentar:

  1. How about donate a charity but not donate a car?
    i want to donate my house? a garage exactly?
    did i have to pay the tax.

    1. yes, i think all of donation should finish their tax payment.
