Islamic and Sharia Finance

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Jumat, 10 Februari 2017

Simple Ways to increase Your Revenue or Your Income

We have to find ways to improve our business earnings or our income, if the results of our efforts in recent condition did not increase. Yes, we must find a way, if it needs a new way or at least a better way. Don't be silly, we want to improve results but we keep doing the same way continuously? We have to move on.

The first step is to accept the truth, that the way what we do that it is not the best. Probably still a lot of shortcomings. Accept the truth is the key to change. We'll never change if we do not accept the truth, but even busy with justification.

Starting From Yourself

I met a lot of people who know the better way. But strangely enough they did not do so. They do not apply what they know. Many reasons, but if it had been convinced that it's way better, then why not apply?

It could be that the problem is he found out. As he began to apply, he is not able toapply it. It is the ability he has not been adequate to do the new way better it. Yes, as simple as that, but that's what happened.

Anything that impedes you don't learn or practice?

I am sure, there will be reasons that make you not learn or not practicing. Perhaps the reason you are right. Might as well just transitioning from our laziness. Please judge yourself.

If it is true there are barriers that hinder you to learn or practice, then think about how to overcome the obstacles to it. Search for ideas that we can through the resistance of it, could destroy the obstacle was, or could be looking the other way.

The key is on you, do you want to learn? Do you want to practice? If there are obstacles, do you want to overcome the obstacles it? Yes, start from yourself.

The Result Is More Effort Must Be More

Very easy to understand, if you want more Yes its business any more. More what? Harder? Yes, you do have to strive harder. But not only that, there are more important.

Mind you should be more optimistic. Optimists will open everything. More convinced that God will grant Your prayer. Rest assured God will help you.
  • You should be more confident. Low self closing opportunities, including opportunities better.
  • Broader insights.
  • Science more deeply
  • More advanced skills
  • Mind is also more focused.
  • More worship session now ' and more often
  • Work harder.
  • More gratitude, happier, and more so the other positive.
Don't say no one is willing to give you a loan. Actually you are the less trusted to receive capital.

Do not say that others egosi didn't want to work with you. Actually you are less invited to cooperation.

Do not say that the business is tough. Actually Your abilities and the science is lacking.

Do not say that the toughest job of selling it. Actually you are not able to sell.

You Decide (We Decide)

If you decide to live better. A more profitable business. you will become a better person. Behold, how to increase your business income is, not others, by making yourself better. Smarter, more adept, more optimistic, more excitement, more confident, and more others.

Yes, We Are. Once again: we decide. We are responsible for it. We who bear the consequences.

ways to increase our income; ways to boost your income; ways to increase your revenue

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